Purchase Game Tokens

Fungible game tokens are available for a set price of 1,000,000 BLZ or 0.05 ETH. BLZ purchases will require intermediary authorization from the ERC20/BLZ contract in order to complete the transfer.

Log in, and view your tokens on the profile page… or import them into an ERC1155-supporting wallet of your choice.

NFT Import Address: 0x761f6216895c9AC9b37B773337dFE6bBAd0e3730

NFT Token #5,

Maps [#5]

Find your way around. This utility unlocks all Volume 2 maps. 128 minted. 85 available.

Type: Utility Volume: 2
NFT Token #4,

Loupe Magnifier [#4]

These devices pick up visual detail you may have otherwise missed. 128 minted. 87 available.

Type: Utility Volume: 2
NFT Token #3,

Coax Curio [#3]

Hardware interface, could be useful as a video decoder in a pinch. 128 minted. 91 available.

Type: Utility Volume: 2
NFT Token #2,

Maps [#2]

Find your way around. This utility unlocks all Volume 1 maps. 128 minted. 62 available.

Type: Utility Volume: 1
NFT Token #1,

Illuminator [#1]

A utility to access Volume 1 hints. 128 minted. 76 available.

Type: Utility Volume: 1


The following bounties are NFTs (single mint), and unlocked by skill alone.

NFT Token #10,

Patrol [#10]

Iscariot bounty. 1 minted. 0 available.

Type: Bounty Volume: 2 Line: 🟠


NFT Token #9,

Vanagon [#9]

Iscariot bounty. 1 minted. 0 available.

Type: Bounty Volume: 2 Line: ⚪


NFT Token #8,

Tower [#8]

Iscariot bounty. 1 minted. 0 available.

Type: Bounty Volume: 2 Line: 🔵


NFT Token #7,

Modulator [#7]

Iscariot bounty. 1 minted. 0 available.

Type: Bounty Volume: 2 Line: 🟡


NFT Token #6,

Microwave [#6]

Iscariot bounty. 1 minted. 0 available.

Type: Bounty Volume: 2 Line: 🟢


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